The Controversies go hand-in-hand on Ram Gopal Varma. He thinks differently and behaves differently, that’s what made him what he is Today. In the recent years, People have been enjoying RGV’s controversial activities more rather than his films. ‘God, Sex and Truth’ has been the latest sensation from him. The so-called porn flick he directed by casting Mia Malkova who is known for pornography is the hot topic at present.
During the TV Debates, Ram Gopal Varma made many callers including representatives of women organizations and social activists regret having a conversation with him. He hardly cared their feelings or sentiments but kept saying nobody has the right to control anyone.
A Woman Leader who came on the phone line slammed Ram Gopal Varma for making a film like ‘God, Sex and Truth’. Without paying heed to it, RGV was found watching something on his smartphone. Then, The News Presenter asked RGV if he is watching Porn. Quickly, Ram Gopal Varma replied: ‘Correct…You have said it perfectly. I am watching Porn’. Neither the News Presenter nor the Woman had any clue how to react to the shocking answer.