Mahanati Telugu Movie directed by Nag Ashwin which was released on 9th May has turned out money spinner at the box office. Mahanati- the biopic of legendary actress Savitri, is shattering the box office records and according to the traders report, finally, Mahanati Crosses $2 Million Dollar Mark in USA box office. This news is confirmed by trade analyst Jeevi.

Jeevi shared a poster and wrote on the wall of Twitter, “#Mahanati collects $59,672 from 114 USA locations on 2nd Friday at 7 pm PST by taking the total to $2 Million! A great achievement for #Mahanati @KeerthyOfficial @Samanthaprabhu2 @TheDeverakonda @dulQuer” Yesterday Jeevi tweeted, “#Mahanati collects $36,671 on 2nd Thursday from 127 USA locations. Mahanati Total US gross is $1,954,946. It will cross $2M today (Friday). Fabulous!”

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