This Incident Happened in Plymptona 35-year-old Lisa Leathard and her 45-year-old husband Nick had mutually agreed to not have children. But a few days back Lisa Leathard had severe stomach pain and went to hospital and doctors told her that she was in pregnant. The surprised would-be parents didn’t get enough time to react, as just 45 minutes later Lisa Leathard delivered a baby boy.
Just like the baffled parents the doctors too were surprised at first, but when the ultrasound reports came, there was not a doubt left. There was definitely a baby inside her and all the pain was because it was coming out now. Speaking to the Plymouth Herald she said that it was almost like a scene out of Casualty, with everyone running through the hospital to get her to an emergency delivering suite.
She added, “The baby was taken away for about 30 seconds and brought back – they said he was perfect, very healthy and thought he was full term because of his weight [7lbs7]. After the baby was born, Lisa Leathard had to call her office and inform them that she couldn’t come to work as she had had a baby. This is Quite Rare and Surprising With an unexpected baby in the family, Lisa Leathard and Nick’s relatives put together basic baby items such as Moses basket and baby monitors etc.