Google launched a new jobs portal on Tuesday aimed at job seekers looking to simplify the way they look for jobs. The Google Jobs search had earlier debuted in the US last year. The Google jobs search will also be available in English on the Google app in both iOS and Android. The Google is now collaborating with the institutions like IBM talent management solutions Some of the partners include, IBM Talent Management Solutions, LinkedIn, Quezx, QuikrJobs, Shine.com, T-Jobs, TimesJobs, and Wisdomjobs along with Aasaanjobs, Freshersworld, Headhonchos
With the introduction of this there is no need to go into these websites just have to click on the Google search bar and the details will be yours. To know more about it just click on the concerned one again.You can even set alerts logging on it. It is also going to tie up with noukri.Com
The Google Jobs portal is different from other job portals in the sense that Google does not store the job listings directly. Instead, Google redirects the user to the relevant job posting on a partner site. The Google job search allows for viewing the relevant job posting on a single page itself. To help partner sites, Google has released an open documentation that helps third-party job search portals make job postings on their site visible on the Google search results.
The Google Jobs search results are further simplified for users with the enabling of filters. The filters that will help job seekers find relevant search results include job profile, title, location, date posted, company type, etc. To let users know quickly about new potential and relevant jobs become available, The Google Jobs search has also included an ‘Alerts’ feature to alert users.
To allow users to revisit job postings in the future, a ‘Bookmark‘ feature is available on Google Jobs search as well. Achint Srivastava of Google Search Engineering says that apart from bringing third-party job portals into the Google Jobs search ambit, Google has been working with India’s state governments to further strengthen the Google Jobs search platform.