Mahesh Babu’s last release Bharat Ane Nenu Movie Television Rights has received Rs 22 crore. As far as the satellite price of South Indian movies is concerned, sources say that the film has received second highest earnings after SS Rajamouli’s period extravaganza. A source while talking to DNA said, “This kind of an amount for a Telugu film is rarely heard of.
It is perhaps the highest that any Telugu flick has received till date (leaving aside Baahubali which got Rs 51 crore). Bharat Ane Nenu was also one of the highest openers at the box office. The Bharat Ane Nenu full film released on April 20. Made on a budget of Rs. 65 crore, the film collected Rs. 230 crore within 19 days of its release.
The Bharat Ane Nenu was later released as Bharat Ennum Naan in Tamil on May 31. After the Telegu version did well at the box office, the makers were confident about the success of the Tamil version as well. His fans had further requested him to release the film dubbed in Hindi. The film is all set for a grand celebration of 50 days on 8th June and Bharat Ane Nenu Full Movie on Amazon Prime Video from 9th.