If the ongoing buzz in media and film Industry is to be believed, The Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor has been roped to play the lead role in the remake of Telugu superhit film Arjun Reddy. The sources say that, yes, it’s true. Arjun Kapoor has reportedly played a key role in attaining the film’s rights along with producer Murad Khetani and Arjun Kapoor will play Vijay Devarakonda‘s role in the Arjun Reddy Movie Hindi remake.”
It has also come out that Sandeep Reddy Vanga who helmed its original Telugu version, will also direct Hindi version but all the details including when the film goes on the floors, who will play the female lead, will be decided when the makers and Arjun Kapoor meet later this month or in February. It is also revealed that the film’s storyline will be a mix of Rockstar and Dev.D. Kapoor, has reportedly decided to not “overburden” the film with his high fee because the remake rights have been bought at an exorbitant price.
The original film had Vijay Deverakonda and Shalini Pandey in lead roles. It is all about the story of a young and brilliant medico titular character, Arjun Reddy with anger management issues. On the other side, Arjun Kapoor, who was last seen in Mubarakan, will be next seen in Sandeep Aur Pinky Farrar in which he is sharing the screen space with Parineeti Chopra.