The Mumbai based model and actress Avantika Gaokar has accused a small-time director of leaking Avantika Gaokar Private Bikini Photos without her permission. According to the report of ibtimes.co.in Avantika Gaokar said that she had shot the bikini photos as a sample after the director named Ramesh Nath Venkat Rao had allegedly asked her to send those to him for getting work in a Netflix show, which didn’t exist at the first place. The actress further said that Rao, who has fled away to Sri Lanka, has been blackmailing her for the last one month. Cases against the director have already been filed.
“This is in spite of two arrest warrants and a court injunction order. The accused is wanted by the Chennai, Mumbai and Delhi police. Ramesh Nath Venkat Rao has cheated several young women by blackmailing them. He tried the same tricks with me, thinking that I will succumb to his pressure and give in to his demands,” Avantika Gaokar said.
Meanwhile, her manager has confirmed that as many as 15 raws Avantika Gaokar Private Bikini Photos has been Leaked online, which were supposed to be confidential and private. He said that the accused shared the images on some adult Facebook pages.
“The police have confirmed the location of the leak. The IP address shows that Venkat Rao is hiding on the outskirts of Colombo and leaking all the photos and video clips from there,” Avantika’s manager said. Avantika Gaokar has also shared one of the pictures on Facebook along with a post, accusing Ramesh Nath Venkat Rao, and requesting her followers to inform her if they come across any more such pictures.