Actor Vijay Deverakonda is now all set to make his debut in Kollywood. Renowned Tamil production house Studio Green of KE Gnanavelraja is going to introduce him under the direction of Anand Shankar who earlier helmed Vikram-starrer ‘Iru Mugan’, released in Telugu as ‘Inkokkadu’.
The Studio Green took to Twitter to make an announcement about Vijay Deverakonda’s Kollywood entry. “We are elated in collaborating with the south sensation Vijay Deverakonda and Anand Shankar for our upcoming flick,” they tweeted.
“Vandhutirruken!!! Love, Vijay Deverakonda,” the ‘Arjun Reddy’ actor tweeted in a reply.On the other hand, Tamil superstar Vikram’s son Dhruv is getting introduced to the Tamil audience with the remake of ‘Arjun Reddy’ in the direction of Bala.
Meanwhile, Vijay Deverakonda is currently shooting for his upcoming film which is being directed by Parasuram and bankrolled by Geetha Arts. The untitled film has Kannada sensation Rashmika Mandanna as the leading actress.
Apart from this Vijay Deverakonda is currently shooting for Taxiwala in Telugu, which is billed as a supernatural thriller. As the title suggests, the actor will be playing a cab driver in the film, which is helmed by Rahul Sankrityayan. The film has Priyanka Jawalkar as the female lead And he also plays a pivotal role in bilingual biopic film Mahanati which is a biopic on Yesteryear actress Savithri.